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来源:东亚东南亚地学计划协调委员会城市地质研究中心 发布时间:2023-10-10

东亚东南亚地学计划协调委员会城市地质研究中心(以下简称研究中心),英文名称:CCOP RESEARCH CENTER ON URBAN GEOLOGY(简称CCOP-RCUG),于2021526日经自然资源部中国地质调查局与东亚东南亚地学计划协调委员会(CCOP)签署关于成立CCOP城市地质研究中心的谅解备忘录共同成立.中心旨在CCOP成员国与合作国的地球科学家和城市地球科学利益相关者之间建立紧密合作伙伴关系,形成强有力的多元化城市地球科学团体,共同开展能力建设、技术交流与知识共享,应对城市环境条件下的自然资源与灾害带来的机遇和风险,提出并倡导支持韧性城市可持续发展的地球科学解决方案。  


The CCOP RESEARCH CENTRE ON URBAN GEOLOGYCCOP-RCUG is established in accordance with the “MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE CCOP RESEARCH CENTRE ON URBAN GEOLOGY BETWEEN THE CHINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES, THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA AND THE COORDINATING COMMITTEE FOR GEOSCIENCE PROGRAMMES IN EAST AND SOUTHEAST ASIA” on the 26th May, 2021. CCOP-RCUG will devote itself to establish a strong and diverse urban geoscience community that will build capacity, exchange technology and share knowledge among geoscientists and urban geoscience stakeholders within CCOP member countries and cooperating countries through cooperation and partnership. To address opportunities and risks presented by hazards and natural resources within urban environments, and to propose and advocate geoscientific solutions that support sustainable and resilient urban development.

The founding member countries are China, South Korea, the United Kingdom and Finland. The organization includes the Steering Committee, the Expert Group, the Director and the Secretariat.